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Monday 3 January 2011

New year, new post.

The clock hits 4 exact, I'm back here, inside this little room of mine, listening to some dubstep and thinking about what this new year could have in store for me. I hope its some good times, some fun times, I know it'll bring a few harsh times, but that's how it goes. I just spent three weeks on the Isle of Wight, a place I'm far too familiar with, known for its lack of any visible life, the worst bus service this side of the Western hemisphere,and its popular nickname being 'God's waiting room'. Fun.

No, I've gotta admit, the worst thing people could do is try to be happy through the holidays, just pretending to be all happy families. luckily, I didn't have to sit through that ordeal, instead I had to be pretending that I was happy to answer the same question a hundred times, also having to have the awkward moments with people I used to know but sort of lost contact with during the move to Pompey. Oh, and throw in a couple exes who just turn out to be as useless and vitriolic as before, plus add in an unrequited love interest, it's been so peachy.

Actually, I loved several things. The days in bed, where I could sleep in 'till 12, because being honest, I haven't had a decent night's sleep without a train in the background for three months. The times where old friends invited me out and also run ins with people and having the sense of being still known here. I also missed the meals, the family meals. Christmas was lovely. Whole day of being as lazy as humanly possible, eating too much and watching a whole year's worth of films and TV in the space of a day.

New Years Eve was as always a drinkathon. I just guzzled all the way through untill 4 in the morning, only stopping to pass out. The party kicked ass, I did things I don't regret, but I'll remember for a while probably. But what I loved the most, was being there knowing that when I got back to Portsmouth I'd be able to leave all my past behind. All my mistakes, all my errors, all my slip ups, all my hang ups and definitely all my problems.

It's good to be home again.

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