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Thursday 2 December 2010


Tired. It's three in the morning, I can't sleep. She's left this void of a space inside my head. Time seems to have multiplied since I last spoke to her, and she doesn't know what she's done. I need to be able to be creative. All that I'm left with is a head full of meaningless moments and shitty mundane motions. I know nothing at the moment matters, the conversations really are inconsequential and the way people act is small talk. The pointless text with one word sticks out like a thorn on a dying rose. The delayed silence uttered through waiting for response signify her feelings. I sit endless, uncomfortable for ever opening my eyes. God damn this generation, for independent ours has become on labelling relationships via Facebook and love becoming a word unused and enter new terms of friends with benefits. My own kind has lost its way along the second or third bottle of Smirnoff vodka. I would cry but I'll throw up instead at the disgust we portray.

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